Learning Objectives
Aims and Objectives
The overall aims of the English Language Education Key Learning Area (English Language Education Curriculum Guide 2017) are:
to provide every student of English with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and
to enable every student to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium.
To facilitate effective learning and teaching, our school aims at enhancing students’ experience by:
providing opportunities and the environment for students to acquire vocabulary, grammar knowledge and structures and communicate in English in meaningful contexts; and
making extensive use of a variety of text types to develop students’ generic skills such as critical thinking skills, creativity and problem-solving skills; and
helping students to develop positive values and attitudes to enhance effective, independent and lifelong learning.
Our English Curriculum embodies:
language forms and communicative functions;
language skills and language development strategies;
attitudes specific to English Language learning;
generic skills; and
positive values and attitudes.